Weekly Progress
Week 1:
- Curriculum Vitae (First week of the course)
Week 2:
- Group allocation and roles (Assigned to group, project and roles)
Week 3:
- Feedback on group back brief
Week 4:
- Research on idea for electronic shelf
- Group discussion and problems on design approach
Week 5:
- Code Planning
- Group meeting: New idea for mechanic system
Week 6:
- Team discussion on new design approach
- Group 1 review on PLANNING
Week 7:
- Coding Idea
- Group 2 review on COMMUNICATION
Week 8:
- Group 3 and 4 review on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
- Prototype progress (first draft)
- Prototype progression
- Individual Major Milestone
Week 9:
- Feedback for Milestone and Presentation Preparation
Week 10:
- Group 5 review on CONFLICT
- Feed back for group presentation on 'Conflict'
- Working with Kinect
- Research on L293D IC
Week 11:
- Progress on Arduino
- Group 6 review on REMUNERATION
Week 12:
- Project progress and problem
- Working with Arduino
- Prototype and Arduino
Week 13:
- Experiment on STEPPER MOTOR
- Video demonstrate mechanic system and prototype
Group Wiki Page: http://kinectingtheboxes.wikispaces.com/Welcome
Group Review:
- Group 1 review on PLANNING
- Group 2 review on COMMUNICATION
- Group 3 and 4 review on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
- Group 5 review on CONFLICT
- Feed back for group presentation on 'Conflict'
- Group 6 review on REMUNERATION
Individual Major Milestone:
- Individual Major Milestone
- Feedback for Milestone and Presentation Preparation
- Research on idea for electronic shelf
- Research on L293D IC
Project contribution and progress:
- Group discussion and problems on design approach
- Coding Idea
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