Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 7: Coding Idea

At this stage I am working with Coding and Arduino.

Below are the code that I had.

Basiclly what the code does is commanding the led light red and yellow to turn on and off by 2 push buttons. I decided to start of with this set of code as it can be applied to the code for the model of project. The button act as an INPUT (gustier recognition) and the LEDlight act as an OUTPUT (servo). The servo also move into left direction when button 1 is pressed and another when button 2 is pressed.

The code is only used to guide my way on track and get the idea onto the project.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

const int buttonUpPin = 2;  
const int buttonDownPin = 3;
const int ledPin =  13;    
const int ledPinYellow =12;

int pos = 0;

int buttonUpState = 0;      
int buttonDownState =0;

void setup() {

   myservo.attach (9);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPinYellow, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(buttonUpPin, INPUT);  
   pinMode(buttonDownPin, INPUT);


void loop(){

   buttonUpState = digitalRead(buttonUpPin);
   buttonDownState = digitalRead(buttonDownPin);

  if (buttonUpState == LOW) {  
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos += 1)
  else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

  if (buttonDownState == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(ledPinYellow, HIGH);
      for(pos = 180; pos>=1; pos-=1)  
  else {
    digitalWrite(ledPinYellow, LOW);

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 7: Review on presentation group 2 COMMUNICATION

Review on presentation group 2: Communication

Group Name: Shade of Black
Group Topic: Communication
Grade: DN

Clarity of the oral presentation
For the oral presentation aspect has create a strong clear connection of the concept of communication the their project. They demonstrated the understanding of how the communication can be delivered to both each group member and the other audience. However the general idea of the communication were poorly pointed out. With more intention to the general ideas and overall concept I think the group theoretical position can be carried out better.

Clarity of the written presentation
With a few short sentences and the size of fonts they used, it makes the presentation more interesting and readable. Keeping the slide clear, short and simple but concise succinct, support the presentation very well.

Distinctiveness and specificity of the examples
With the used of video, it made the concept and how to apply them to the project to be acknowledged easier. With their own example from their project, it allows them to clearly explain the idea as they totally understand their project very well. This helps us to understand the effectiveness of each tool that can be use in term of communication process.

In my opinion the reference should be listed in one single page. This is like a summary of where you get the content of presentation from. Texts that are used for reference also need to be clearly printed to the slide.

The conceptual context
In term of conceptual context, the group has clearly demonstrated a strong grasp of the conceptual context of their theme of collaboration. With all the spoken explanation  and example on slide it made the presentation was very interesting and easy to understand the topic.

The still image
With a broad concept of the topic itself, the image that can be used to support was quite hard to find. The explanation of communication concept is based on the individual understanding and techniques. However this group has used a 3D graphics to convey the connection between people communication.

For our project, communication will be an important part of the project as it is necessity to convey the idea and concept of our project for the audience. Using many techniques that this group used may help our communication for the project better presented.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Week 6: Review on presentation of group 1 PLANNING

Review on presentation of group 1: PLANNING

Group Name: 3RDiConstruction
Group Topic: Planning
Grade:  DN

Clarity of the oral presentation
The oral presentation of the group was very clear and concise to communicate the appropriate group theoretical position. Each group member presents a clear meaning of each topic. There is a connection between the definition of the planning and its theory to the project. This shows the understanding of the concept and research depth of their works. The importance of planning pointed out by every member to emphasize how important planning process is.

Clarity of the written presentation
The written information on the slide show was layout appropriately to show the list of the topic. However there were too many texts and was hard to read from the distance. Point form may be advantage at this stage. Some diagram such as timeline supported the presentation very well. The overall written was well organized and easy to understand.

Distinctiveness and specificity of the examples
The example each member used was distinctive and specific. There were some images and diagram as an example to the project although some image are too small but with the explanation while presenting that gained more understanding for the audience.

There was no any reference of any images, diagram and contents. All the website, books, images and diagram are necessity referenced. Reference is very important to show the acknowledgement and credit the creator in terms of keeping the right for individual intellectual property.

The conceptual context
Presentation has demonstrated that each member has a clear understanding on the concept of planning. All the members can identify the planning process in which involve in their roles.

The still image
There were not much of an image in the presentation but some of it that they used was quite effective. The most effective element is the grant chart of the timeline. That demonstrated the plan of their group.

Applying to my group planning, with a clear plan of role allocation and applying a dead line for each subtask will help keep all the members on the track. Our group has created Asana planning page to indicate the time where we need to get each task done to be on time. All the members then need to keep up with the schedule and their responsibilities to satisfy the project plan.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 6: Team discussion on new design approach

At this week we are doing a research on how the mechanic system of the new design for our project should work. We are focusing on the linear motor that could be use to the 'plate' on the rail to the specific spot.

We are looking to do something like what is in the video below.

(Video from,

However the design that we have at the moment require two directions of the plate to move, vertically and horizontally. The plate will need to translate from on axis to another. And this is the problems we are facing. The question how to translate the plate between the two axes. We found the video a video of an intersection linear motor. As below.

(Video from,

However this would not be able to translate the plate between the two rails. At this moment we are still struggle on how to make the system works.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Group meeting : New idea for mechanic system

Today we had a group meet during the break to discuss about the mechanism of our project. The diagram below was drawn by Janu. We brainstormed and came up with this new mechanism system. The inspiration of this work delivered from yuki's parking system research in Japan. The significant part of the research was the 'plate' that can be align and transform the object into different position.

According to the diagram above, the steps of the system is as followed;
1. Plate 2 move along rail 2 (horizontal rail) under selected box.
2.Selected box moves down rail 1 (vertical rail) pass rail 2 and stops.
3. Plate 2 moves along rail 2 till the end.
4. Plate 3 moves up rail 3
5. Plate 2 moves back left along rail
6. Plate 3 moves down

One thing that we did not mention in today's discussion was what is going to be the driver of the box. We will discuss this with the rest of the group member on the next class. At this state the diagram will be passed on to olivia and ben to work on the animation demonstrated the draft system of our device.

We also decided to make a new grant chart for the timeline to assign a new tasks for each member. This is of cause going to be more precise.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 5 (Non- teaching period) - Code Planning

At this stage of our project, we are still discussing about how the exact mechanic of the device would work. So far we still can not come up with a better way for a mechanic system to fit with our design. 

At this stage, I decided to do some research about how we could make a connection between Kinect and Arduino. (As I am responsible for this part of the project) For my interpretation, I believe that the the solution for the design must come up with the rotation of the motor or servo therefore the primily device for the design must a a motor or servo. Therefore while we are still thinking of a way to get the mechanic done, I can starting thinking of how to make a motor or servo move according to Kinect sensor.

The idea of the project is to use Kinect as a sensor, getting gesture control information and sending data to Ardino to command the motor or servo to move. It will have to be a multiple motor or servo. 

To get starting with the coding process I need some sort of plan to direct which direction should I be reaching in term of writing the code. After a few researches I can simple concluded the steps as shown in diagram.

To simple explain what's that diagram is about, I can list them out as followed;

Step 1: Write code to control servo or motor with Arduino (Arduimo > Servo) I will need to get the see working in the right position first before testing out with data from Kinect. At this stage the input would be a push bottom of etc.

Step 2: Make the connect between Kinect to computer using Processing application (Kinect > Processing) This is to get Kinect to capture the gesture recognition and transfer that to data in processing.

Step 3: Writing code to send information from Processing to Arduino (Processing > Arduino) Processing is acted as an InPUT data to Arduino.

Step 4: Writing code to command Servo to move using Ardino (Arduino > Servo) This is the stage where the command will depend on the data received from Processing.