Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 10: Feedback for group presentation 'Conflict'

Above is our presentation created in Prezi by Ben. The content is the presentation is prepared and researched by each member that have been allocated into different topic.

We manage to have a presentation rehearsal before the presentation start however I think all of us have too much content to present therefore we all need to cut down our part and present just whatever that is the most important.

The main feedback from Russell and Steve on our presentation is that at this stage what we have presented is the 'conflict' in terms of personal and relationship. We have pointed out the example of our conflict between members that is occur in our group. However we did not really pointed out the conflict within the project itself. Conflict such as technical conflict would be the main component to our project.

We then discuss and planned to included the technical conflict that we have faced during the project. The technical conflict that is mainly occur to me is the software conflict. As we are required to use Kinect for Windows as a sensor to the project therefore I can not use Mac to work with Kinect. I will need to run a Window on my Mac to be able to use Kinect on my laptop. This is a bit inconvenience  but have be sorted out.

Our plan for the video presentation is to create a video that contain a brief definition of conflict. It will include the example of conflict within our group and as well as some technical conflict that we found within the project. Resolution method that we used within our group toward to conflict will also be included in the video. We will use voice over and acting the situation to present our ideas and concepts.

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