Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 11: Progress on Arduino

At this stage I now have a working 2 DC motors and a full rotation servo to rotate in both direction.

Basicly what I have on the arduino board are:
-Arduino Board
-Push buttons
-Dc motors

-L293D IC
-9V battery

How the code work is that  there is 2 push buttons, one to control two DC motors to rotate clockwise correspondingly and another button to rotate in opposite direction. The two motors will not be enabled if the button is not pressed.


The video above show the motion of the car what is pulled by the two DC motors. The two DC motors is control by one L293D IC. This is used to control the direction of the motor. The Two motor is pinned into the same input pin of L293D as to enable it to rotate in the same direction at the same time with the same push button.

This is the circuit of Arduino with the Two motors and two push button. I actually put in an LEDs light to indicate to motion of the motors.

At this stage we have a basic mechanism system of the prototype to work but it still needed to be test out when is used to lifted the boxes along the rail.